Rebirthing 9-day Breathwork Training 



Rebirth International invites you to


Train with the Best international Rebirthing trainer

•Experienceunity and the power of Breath workers meeting together
•Experience fellowship, celebrate, have fun with your associates
•Meet and learn from some of the best healers of the world, so you can be One
• Learn to be financially successful Rebirther and to double your income
• Training for ONE Year Seminar leaders and organizers
• Create a beautiful union and future for RBI in each country

We will begin Saturday together with the9-day training group with a welcome, singing and introduction. The afternoon is dedicated to the exchange of Rebirthing sessions. Sunday will be a vision quest, spending a day with fire.

In truth, simplicity and love
in Wahrheit, Einfachheit und Liebe
Om namaha Shivaiya

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